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Builders and Self-Starters

At The August Wealth Management Group, we prioritize the alignment of our team’s efforts with your success, by working in tandem with you to achieve your distinctive objectives. As entrepreneurs ourselves, we empathize with the challenges you encounter regularly, such as optimizing operational productivity, expanding your existing framework, or retaining top-performing personnel. Our team has been entrusted with resolving a wide range of problems, spanning from immediate to long-term solutions, and we aim to equip you with the requisite tools and expertise to overcome any obstacles that arise.

Small-Business Owners

For small-business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, the initial stages of their venture can be thrilling yet arduous. However, we are equipped to assist you in overcoming the challenges that come your way by addressing your unique concerns and ensuring that your growth trajectory remains consistent.

Large-Business Owners

As a large-business owner, the issues you encounter may be significant in magnitude, but The August Wealth Management Group is equipped to provide comprehensive support. We are enthusiastic about every opportunity to help you expand your enterprise, and we are committed to tailoring our services to meet your requirements, including devising a growth strategy and retaining essential executives who drive your business.


Corporations often have intricate and distinctive needs, necessitating personalized and meticulous planning. Our team is proficient in developing a customized plan that encompasses every facet of your business, while also adhering to the milestones on your roadmap and accentuating the unique aspects of your company.

Business Executives

Our services cater to the requirements of both business executives and the corporations that employ them. For executives, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of your circumstances and benefits, enabling us to create a tailored plan that ensures a lifelong income stream. Additionally, we assist employers in devising retention plans for their executives, or we can design a transition plan that seeks uninterrupted progress for your enterprise.

Financial Incentives

For corporations seeking to retain their key executives, we provide solutions such as incentive packages and benefits that encourage their continued commitment to your organization. Additionally, we facilitate the alignment of their objectives with those of your company, motivating decision-makers to work collaboratively towards achieving your common goals.
August Wealth Management

Tailored Solutions, Personalized Guidance

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Picture-Perfect Client

While having ample financial resources is undoubtedly important for the flexibility and success of your financial plan, it is not the sole determinant of our potential for a fruitful partnership. At The August Wealth Management Group, we actively seek out clients and prospects who possess qualities such as ambition, drive, consistency, and open-mindedness. Whether your wealth is newly acquired or has been accumulated over multiple generations, we are committed to assessing your unique circumstances and providing customized solutions to protect and grow your assets, regardless of your demographic. Here are just a few of the groups that we serve.